Molly & Polly's Garage

Sizes, relations, quantity, design, forms

Build fun cars out of popsicle sticks.


Math awareness

Being aware of various sizes of objects that look similar and on how to place them.

Talk about sizes and lengths.



Wooden sticks in different sizes and shapes (e.g. popsicle sticks, spatulas), cardboard, moss rubber, paper, buttons, stickers, glitter, sequins and passengers made of popsicle sticks or photos/clippings. Scissors, paint/markers, brushes and glue.



Build different types of cars from the wooden sticks. It is easiest to paint the pegs before assembling the cars. Make wheels of e.g. cardboard, buttons or plastic lids and decorate the cars – e.g. with patterns or number stickers. You can create race cars, tractors, buses or your very own car types.



Create a roadmap for the cars.

Which car is made of the most / the least sticks?

Sort the cars by how many sticks they are made of.

Which cars are made of 3 (4, 5, 6 ..) sticks?